
Botanical Dance Perfumes

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Natural Perfumery
Telling the Naturals from the Synthetics
Botanical Dance Perfumes
Wholesale Prices

Natural Perfumery

Natural Perfumes and aromatics have played an important part in the life of every native culture for thousands of years. Until quite recently, Perfumes products were produced only from natural plant Oils and extracts. Today however, true botanical Oils are rapidly disappearing from our modern Perfumes and cosmetics, and are now being increasingly replaced by much less expensive laboratory-made aromatic chemicals.

The success of today's Perfume industry is based on confusing customers into thinking that the scent of modern perfumes and other fragranced products is entirely, or at least primarily, derived from materials of natural botanical origin. Unfortunately, the truth is that virtually ALL of the perfumes and cosmetics on the market today are made from synthetic chemicals, and not from flowers or botanical plants. This is the case even regarding the most expensive perfumes available. A few of the higher-priced varieties do sometimes contain a small amount (no more than 5% of the total) of materials of natural botanical origin. However, the rest of the scent (in most products, over 99% of the total) is entirely comprised of laboratory-made fragrances derived from petro-chemicals. A modern perfume can contain as many as 100 different synthetic chemicals, many of which are known toxic substances. Toluene, for example, is found in nearly all perfumes and fragrances, in spite of the fact that this substance has been scientifically proven to cause Cancer and nervous system damage.


The chemical-Perfumery approach is to think of a person's body scent as unappealing. The product is therefore needed to paint a smell onto your skin that will cover over your own unattractive scent, and leave you scented with the fragrance of whatever aromatic chemical came out of the bottle.


Citrus aurantium   ~   Neroli
photo: Miwasatoshi

Natural Perfumery – based on Aromatherapy practice – makes use of botanically produced substances only, and is an entirely different approach. To begin with, there is an important recognition that each person has been gifted with a unique and potentially beautiful body scent, which will actually have optimum fragrance when we are in perfect health. Our personal body scent can be accentuated, enhanced and harmoniously completed with the proper selection and use of natural botanical Oils.

We also know a great deal from long experience about the various therapeutic effects of the natural Oils. Remarkably, the very same botanicals that we would choose as proper therapy for our health needs tend to be those that will most beautifully enhance our personal body scent. The natural Oils – being living organic substances – come to life more fully after being applied to the skin, as they begin to interact with the body (and body scent), and finally reach peak fragrance about 15 to 45 minutes after application. At this point there is a merging with our own body scent, which is enhanced against a background of natural botanical fragrances. This is an holistic approach to perfumery which is a very enjoyable and effective form of Aromatherapy treatment.

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Telling the Naturals from the Synthetics


Cananga odorata   ~   Ylang Ylang
photo: Bordy Nathalie

Many people assume that most of the aromatic Oils, Perfumes and other cosmetics found in our health food stores today are natural botanical products. Actually this may be far from the truth. For example, among the many different Perfumes being marketed through health food stores, on closer examination, almost all turn out to be synthetic-chemical oils, masquerading as natural botanicals.

Even the cosmetic department staff are often baffled about the true nature and origins of these products. How then can a consumer distinguish between the synthetic and natural aromatic Oils and Perfumes on the market?

Here are a few guidelines that should help:

True botanical Essential Oils are "light-sensitive".
They should always be kept in colored glass bottles, or they will deteriorate rapidly.
Any company selling fragrance oils in clear bottles is either dealing in synthetics, or doesn't seem to know or care about properly packaging and preserving their products.

Natural Oils have well-known therapeutic effects.  Any company dealing in botanicals who makes no mention of the therapeutic properties of their oils is failing to provide important information about effects that will probably be experienced from use of the product. In the case of certain natural oils, this can be dangerous to the consumer.

Natural Oils, like natural produce, vary greatly in price depending on many factors: agricultural conditions, Essential Oil yield of the plant, and even world politics. More price variation will usually be evident among a line of natural Oils. The synthetics are often sold (and manufactured) at only one or two price levels.

Beware of companies which present an exotic image regarding the origin of their products.  A romantic or exotic tale enhances the appeal of the product, but also keep in mind that this is usually a clever substitute for the facts.

Regarding other cosmetic products (soaps, shampoos, lotions, etc.):
In the list of ingredients, the commonly-used term "fragrance" almost always indicates synthetic-chemical substances.

Finally, have a closer look at the practitioners and product-makers who are seriously working with and marketing the true Essential Oils. These are primarily people who are dedicated to learning more about the nature and uses of the botanical Oils, and passing this knowledge and information along to the consumer. Among this group quality standards are now being established, with a near-future goal of independent testing and certification of high-quality natural Oils.

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Botanical Dance Perfumes


Today this vital link has been lost. Most doctors are uneducated in cosmetology, and the cosmetic products sold have little or no health-care value. Instead of working with the body, they try to paint over and hide any signs of imbalance. In the world of Perfumery, virtually all products available today – including those sold in most health food stores – are aromatic chemicals, masquerading as the natural botanical essences of the earth. These imitations have no use in health care, and instead cover over the body's own natural essences, creating further imbalance.

At last, here is a selection of the highest quality botanical Essential Oils, blended and packaged as fine Perfumes. True flower, citrus and wood extracts make this one of the very few all-natural Perfume lines in existence. When you make a proper selection, these natural essences will work with you, restoring balance and enhancing your body's own natural essences. This will help you to radiate beauty from a place of deep, inner well-being.


All of our essences are costly and of the finest quality available. In particular, our true Rose, Jasmine and Neroli (Orange Flower) range in the thousands of US dollars per pound, wholesale. Until now, these precious Oils have been unavailable on the retail market. Both single essences and combination bouquets are offered, and each Perfume is packaged in an amber vial (5 ml) with an applicator top.

These are excellent Aromatherapy products. In choosing a natural Perfume, consider the therapeutic effects of each variety as well as its particular fragrance appeal. We have charted this therapeutic information in our Aromatherapy Perfume Chart, and provided details concerning the origin of each essence.

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Wholesale Prices

Botanical Dance Perfumes in 4.5 ml Amber Vial
with Applicator Cap

Single Essences
  Bergamot $16.00
  Chamomile $16.00
  Jasmine Absolute
  Mimosa Absolute
  Rose Absolute
  Vanilla (Vanilla Tahiti CO2)
  Ylang Ylang
Essence Bouquets
  Citrus Blossom
  Midnite at the Oasis
  Juliet's Garden
  Moon Shadow
  Dervish Dance
  Rose Lace
  Irish Morning Mist
  Tree of Life

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