The Kabbalistic "Sefirot" Blends
♥ Created through the blessing of HaShem by our Beloved Leah Rivkah ♥
The 11 Sefirot Blends
Descriptions of the Sefirot
Aromatic Visualizations and Meditations
Special Offer |
Set of 11 Sefirot Blends Oils in 5 ml special Ultra-Violet bottles, |
$195.00 |
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and our large full-color Tree of Life Display! | |||
Set of 11 Sefirot Blends Sprays in 50 ml cobalt blue Spray bottles. |
$275.00 |
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Please note: The Sefirot Sprays are not stock items, they need to be specially made. If you wish to order the Sprays, email us first and please allow extra time. Also your order MUST be shipped by only EMS Express Mail Service due to weight regulations on Registered Airmail packages.
When Individual Sefirot Blends Run Out |
Oil Blends (5ml Vial) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Spray Blends (50ml Spray Bottle) ![]() ![]() ![]() Please note: The Sefirot Sprays are not stock items, they need to be specially made. If you wish to order the Sprays, email us first and please allow extra time. Also your order MUST be shipped by only EMS Express Mail Service due to weight regulations on Registered Airmail packages.

artwork by Yitzhak Ben Yehuda
The foundation of Kabbalah is the study and application of a Master blueprint of all Creation known as the Tree of Life. The Tree is comprised of 10 Sefirot or Divine Emanations, which flow directly from the Source of Life. It is said that the Holy One created these Sefirot to make Himself known in the world, and these are the primal Lights that emanate from the Ain Sof (Endlessness) in the ongoing dynamic of Creation. The Sefirot are thus the building blocks of Life, through which the Holy One Creates all existence anew each moment.
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan taught that the Sefirot serve as a memory bank in the Divine domain, and a permanent record of everything that has ever taken place in all Creation is made on the Sefirot. In this mode, every event and action is measured and weighed by the Sefirot, and the appropriate response is conceived and calculated. The Sefirot are the means through which God communicates with His Creation; they are also the means through which man communicates with God. If not for the Sefirot, God, the Infinite Being, would be absolutely unknowable and unreachable. It is only through the Sefirot that He can be approached. In a mystical sense, the Sefirot are a channel, ladder or tree through which one can "climb" and approach the Infinite.
The earliest known revelations of the Kabbalah include a mystical introduction to the Sefirot, and originate in the teachings of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. A 2nd century mystic, he lived 13 years in deep meditation within a cave near Pekien, northern Israel, enabling him to "bring down the revelation of Elijah the Prophet that would be needed until the coming of the Messiah" (Ramchal, Adir BaMarom).
![]() The Display for the 11 Sefirot Blends (click for larger view) |
There is a deep connection between certain Holy aromatic plants and the Kabbalistic Sefirot of the Tree of Life. The key connections are with the 11 Spices of the Temple Incense (shown in dark red below, followed by the original Hebrew names, and the other ingredients in the Blend), according to the great 16th century Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzhak Luria, the Holy "Ari zal" of Blessed memory. He outlined the correspondences between the 11 Spices of the Temple Incense and the Sefirot of the Tree of Life (including Da'at) in "Kitvey HaAri, Sha'ar HaKavana, Darshay Tefilot HaShahar". The Temple Incense is thus a specific formula of Aromatic Sparks of the 10 Sefirot of the Tree of Life plus Da'at, known by mystics to be the anatomy of the Soul. The resulting fragrant Spice Blend is said to be the fragrance of the Garden of Eden, capable of elevating a person to Nevuah (Prophecy). Although we are not permitted according to Judaic Law to replicate the Incense by mixing the various Spice ingredients in their raw form, these products include the true aromatic fragrances of the Spices in the form of their natural aromatic Essential Oils. Not only is it completely permissable to enjoy the Essential Oils of the 11 Spices, but even meritorious, as it is said to hasten the rebuilding of the Temple. |
The 11 Sefirot Blends
This remarkable new product line from Avraham Aromatherapy is based on the Incense Spice - Sefirot correspondences mentioned above. The Temple Incense ingredient pertaining to each of the 10 Sefirot is highlighted in a carefully crafted Blend with other fragrances connected to that same Sefira. There is an additional 11th Blend for "Da'at", the surrounding Light of the entire Tree of Life. Each Blend is a beautiful combination of high quality, natural Organic Essential Oils in a carrier of Organic Jojoba Oil, packaged in a special dropper-tip Aromatherapy bottle.
These products assist you in using powerful Divine Energies to positively influence physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states of health. The Essential Oils work effectively on all of these levels simultaneously, helping you to enjoy a unique, transformative experience.
Any of the 11 Blends can be enjoyed as an Anointment or Perfume by applying a few drops directly onto the skin; in an enchanting Bath (30 drops); in an exquisite Massage (30-50 drops in 5-15 ml of Sweet Almond or Grapeseed Oil); to fragrance the air of your Sacred space, in a water bowl Diffuser (40-50 drops); or in Aromatic Visualizations and Meditations. Carefully choose the Blend that will resonate the Divine Energy and influence needed. Always gently smell each fragrance before any application, and apply it only if you are truly drawn to it.
Study the nature of the 10 Sefirot, Da'at and the 12 Elemental Pathways as outlined below, to find compatibilities. The 12 Elementals comprise the diagonal paths between Sefirot on the Tree, framing the parameters of the metaphysical universe and our physical and spiritual reality. When drawn to an Elemental Pathway, work with both Blends involved, in proper sequence as indicated by the Pathway direction.

The Kabbalistic Sefirot Blends (click for larger view)
Descriptions of the Sefirot
KETER: Balsam (Tzari, the Chief Spice), Sandalwood, Rose Abs., Coriander, Petitgrain and Tuberose Abs. Transcendence, strengthening of will power, absolute pleasure, supreme sweetness. The Source. Crown and Spirit of God, and the Divine Will. The highest rung on the ladder to reaching the Holy One, the goal of spiritual practice. Divine Name: Ehiyeh Asher Ehiyeh. Divine Attribute: Equilibrium, Emanation. Element: Breath of God. Part of body: Above the head and brain. Time: Eternal Present. Color: Blinding White Light. Planet: Neptune or Pluto. Angel: Metatron (Guard of the Throne of Glory).
Pathway from Keter to Hochma: Letter: "Hay" (Window). Value: 5. Foundation: Speech. Zodiac: Aries. Tribe: Yehudah. Hebrew Month: Nissan. Organ: Right foot.
HOCHMA: Costus (Kosht), Ylang Ylang, Violet Leaf Abs., Lemongrass and Grapefruit. Silence, deep meditation, satisfaction and total calm. Father. Wisdom of King Solomon, through revelation and flashes of inspiration. God's secret Wisdom revealed from Nothingness. Source of creation of Moshe Rabeinu. Divine Name: YHVH. Divine Attribute: Wisdom. Element: Water from breath. Part of body: Right ear, right lobe of brain. Time: Past. Color: Blue, or a color including all colors. Planet: Neptune or Uranus. Angel: Raziel ("Herald of God", responsible for secret wisdom).
Pathway from Keter to Bina: Letter: "Vav" (Hook). Value: 6. Foundation: Thought. Zodiac: Taurus. Tribe: Issachar. Hebrew Month: Iyyar. Organ: Right kidney.

artwork by Yitzhak Ben Yehuda
BINA: Cinnamon Bark (Klufah), Sweet Orange, Carnation Abs. and Helichrysum.
Thought sharpening, alertness and mind clarity. Mother. Movement of the Divine Light into the world of Creation. The Palace and Womb, within which God's teaching begins to take form. In balance together with Hochma, these Divine Parents give birth to the Children, the 7 lower Sefirot. Divine Name: Elohim. Divine Attribute: Understanding. Element: Fire from water. Part of body: Left ear, left lobe of brain. Time: Future. Color: Green and Yellow. Planet: Saturn. Angel: Tzaphkiel ("Beholder of God").
(DA'AT): Frankincense (Levonah), Neroli, Lavender and Benzoin.
Riddles, searching, strong opinions, desire to be unified. A Mysterious invisible non-Sefira. Divine Knowledge, Cosmic Consciousness. The beyond-human experience of the surrounding Light of the other 10 Sefirot, expressing a constant Desire for intimate Unity. Totally conscious sexual intimacy. A perfection and Union of Wisdom (Hochma) and Understanding (Bina). The empty Space where Creation begins. Coming out of exile, the Exodus from Egypt. Clear, conscious connectedness with everything around you.
Pathway from Bina to Hesed: Letter: "Kuf" (Back of head). Value: 100. Foundation: Laughter. Zodiac: Pisces. Tribe: Naftali. Hebrew Month: Adar. Organ: Spleen.
HESED: Myrrh (Mor), Blood Orange, Patchouli, Pine, and Blue Chamomile.
Mercy, giving, forgiving, sharing, hospitality and sweetness. Connects the
upper Worlds of Azilut (Nearness) and Beriah (Creation) to the lower Worlds
of Yetzirah (Formation) and Assiyah (Action). Divine Will takes form in
Hesed, and manifests itself in God's Desire to share Love. Acts of loving-kindness
and mercy that people can extend to each other. Divine Name: El –
Almighty God. Divine Attribute: Mercy, Loving-kindness. Element: Tiferet
Avinu. Part of body: Right shoulder. Time: Sunday. Color: White and Silver.
Planet: Jupiter. Angel: Tzadkiel ("Righteousness of God").
Pathway from Hochma to Gevurah: Letter: "Zayin" (Weapon). Value: 7. Foundation: Motion, Subconscious. Zodiac: Gemini. Tribe: Zevulun. Hebrew Month: Sivan. Organ: Left foot.
GEVURAH: Cassia (Ketzia), Ginger, Bergamot and Vetiver.
Repelling the unwanted, physical strength, endurance of pain, fighting for survival.
A Desire to receive Judgment, and the natural consequences of all actions. Gevurah must be balanced by Hesed. The quality of Judgment and Power must counterbalance Mercy and Love, to prevent the Divine Light from overwhelming us. Evil arises when the quality of Gevurah is unrestrained. Divine Name: Yah. Divine Attribute: Judgment, Power. Element: Yitzhak. Part of Body: Left shoulder. Time: Monday. Color: Red and Gold. Planet: Mars. Angel: Samael ("God's poisoner", the fallen Angel).
Pathway from Hochma to Tiferet: Letter: "Samech" (Bow). Value: 60. Foundation: Sleep. Zodiac: Sagittarius. Tribe: Benjamin. Hebrew Month: Kislev. Organ: Stomach.
Pathway from Bina to Tiferet: Letter: "Ayin" (Eye). Value: 70. Foundation: Anger. Zodiac: Capricorn. Tribe: Dan. Hebrew Month: Tevet. Organ: Liver.
Pathway from Hesed to Tiferet: Letter: "Chet" (Fence). Value: 8. Foundation: Sight. Zodiac: Cancer. Tribe: Reuven. Hebrew Month: Tammuz. Organ: Right hand.
Pathway from Gevurah to Tiferet: Letter: "Tzadi" (Fish hook). Value: 90. Foundation: Taste and Eating. Zodiac: Aquarius. Tribe: Asher. Hebrew Month: Shevat. Organ: Gizzard.

artwork by Yitzhak Ben Yehuda
TIFERET: Spikenard (Shebolet Naird), Rose Abs., Palmarosa, Labdanum, Lemon, Cypress, and Rose Otto. Mild, mellow, balanced, harmonic, artistic, creative. Arousing affection and attention. The Beauty of Divine Glory and Light as it descends to humanity. The Center of the Tree of Life, channeling the Divine Spirit downwards, and the spiritual aspirations of humanity upwards. Balance of Hesed and Gevurah, a direct link to all other Sefirot except Malkut. Divine Name: YHVH Elohim. Divine Attribute: Beauty. Element: Yaacov. Part of body: Heart. Time: Tuesday. Color: Yellow and Purple. Planet: Sun. Angel: Michael ("Who is like God?").
Pathway from Tiferet to Netzach: Letter: "Yod" (Hand). Value: 10. Foundation: Action. Zodiac: Virgo. Tribe: Gad. Hebrew Month: Elul. Organ: Left hand.
NETZACH: Saffron (Karkum), Jasmine Abs., Jasmine sambac Abs., Narcissus Abs.
Celebrating victory, endurance, repelling decay, taking events towards immortality.
Commitment to loyalty and eternity in relationships. The interdependent and carefully balanced ecological systems. The lasting Endurance and Victory of God. The Compassionate rule of God, balanced by Hod. Divine Name: YHVH Tzva'ot. Divine Attribute: Eternity, Victory. Element: Moshe Rabeinu (Moses). Part of Body: Right leg. Time: Wednesday. Color: Light pink. Planet: Venus. Angel: Uriel ("the Light of God").
Pathway from Tiferet to Hod: Letter: "Tet" (Serpent). Value: 9. Foundation: Hearing. Zodiac: Leo. Tribe: Shimon. Hebrew Month: Av. Organ: Left kidney.
HOD: Cinnamon Leaf (Kinnamon), Clary Sage, Rose Abs. and Black Pepper.
Calming and relaxing, comforting, and finding that which was long searched for.
The Majesty, Splendor, Honor and Reverberation of the Divine. The thinking processes that channel Divine Inspiration into Prophecy. The monitoring systems that keep in check the tendency to act selfishly, ensuring that the Divine Will is understood and obeyed. Divine Name: Elohim Tzva'ot. Divine Attribute: Glory. Element: Aharon HaCohen. Part of Body: Left leg. Time: Thursday. Color: Dark pink. Planet: Mercury. Angel: Rafael ("the Healing of God").
Pathway from Netzach to Yesod: Letter: "Nun" (Fish). Value: 50. Foundation: Smell. Zodiac: Scorpio. Tribe: Menashe. Hebrew Month: Cheshvan. Organ: Intestine.
Pathway from Hod to Yesod: Letter: "Lamed" (Ox-goad). Value: 30. Foundation: Sexuality, Coition. Zodiac: Libra. Tribe: Ephraim. Hebrew Month: Tishrei. Organ: Gallbladder.
YESOD: Clove (Tziporen), Jasmine Abs., Vanilla CO2 and Mandarin.
Sexually arousing, deep, mysterious, dream-like, curing impotence, and giving back the sense of one's beauty. Tikun of Yosef HaTzadik. The procreative Power of God, where Divine Light is waiting to burst forth. Sexual self-control, discipline and conscious restraint, resisting temptation. Divine Name: El Chai Shaddai. Divine Attribute: Foundation. Element: Yosef HaTzadik (Joseph). Part of Body: Genitals. Time: Friday. Color: Orange or Black. Planet: Moon. Angel: Gabriel ("the Strength of God").
MALKUT: Galbanum (Chelbana), Geranium, Linden Blossom Abs. and Hyssop.
Inspiring authority, grounding, developing practical sense, basic. Uniting opposites.
David HaMelech. The Shekhina, feminine presence of God. The realm in which humanity exists. The union of a man and woman brings a soul's existence into Malkut as a human being. Divine Name: Adonai. Divine Attribute: Kingdom. Element: Air (breath). Part of body: Between the feet. Time: Saturday. Color: Blue. Planet: Earth. Angel: Sandalphon (controls Angels in the human world).
(The 7 lower Sefirot are the Children, the 7 Streams and the 7 Precious Vessels.)
Aromatic Visualizations and Meditations with the Sefirot Blends:
In Judaic practice, the Blends can be specially used in the mystical "Counting of the Omer" during the 49 days between Pesach and Shavuot; and also during the days of Sukkot, in receiving the Divine "Guests" each night. Every day of the week also has a Sefirah correspondence, descending the Tree starting with Hesed on Yom Rishon (Sunday), through Malkhut on Shabbat (Saturday).
Any of the Blends can be extremely valuable in Visualization and Meditation exercises. It is also possible to experience all 11 Sefirot Blends in sequence. When setting off on this particular Journey, we recommend the following ascending order - which follows the natural Pathway of Divine Energy, as it connects together and unifies the Sefirot of the Tree. Start first with Malkut, then Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Tiferet, Gevurah, Hesed, Da'at, Bina, Hochma and finally Keter, as shown below.
Make arrangements, and allow enough time between Blends to travel in comfort.
The Visualizations shown below, based on 25 years of study in Jewish Mysticism, were created by Nadav Crivelli, a Master Kabbalistic Astrologer. Nadav suggests that you record your experience on paper or tape after each Visualization, as the signposts along this Journey are very valuable keys to be retained and explored later. He also contributed to the info above regarding the nature of each of the Sefirot. Nadav can be contacted for unique and extraordinary Kabbalistic Astrological Readings at
You will need 11 pieces of tissue paper. Put a drop or two of the matching Blend in the center of a clean tissue just before starting each Visualization, so you will be ready to fully and easily experience the fragrance at just the right moment.
MALKUT: Visualize that you are in a poor village of the Third World. A really poor place where there are no houses, only huts. Children are playing in the dirt pathways. You have the feeling of poverty and filth. You hear the sound of a radio nearby. At first you don't pay any attention to it, but then you realize that very important news is being broadcast. The news is that the ruling Chief of that whole country is visiting the city today, and the voice on the radio is calling everybody who wants to meet with the Ruler to come before Him to express a Desire. Now experience the fragrance of the Malkut Blend, and express the Desire. This Blend can help you to focalize your request from the King.
YESOD: Visualize that you are sitting next to the person who you love the most, without movement and in total silence. Now experience the Yesod Blend. Allow the fragrance to penetrate deeply, and begin speaking with your loved one. What are you talking about, and what are you saying? This Blend can help you to clarify in your Heart of Hearts exactly what you wish to say to your Beloved.
HOD: Visualize that you are walking along a crowded sidewalk of a huge City. Many people come and go, back and forth along the walkway. In the street you see many cars tied up in a traffic jam. You are moving along with all the others, and it is not really clear to you yet where you are going, and why. Experience the fragrance of the Hod Blend. Ask yourself if it is clearer to you now: Where are you going, and to do what? This Blend can help you to clarify your true direction and purpose.

artwork by Yitzhak Ben Yehuda
NETZACH: Visualize that you are standing in front of a huge Clock, which also shows a complete calendar. Get close, and read the time, the day, the month, the year and even the cycle of the moon. Reading the Clock carefully, ask yourself, "What time is it showing, and what is happening in the world?" Then experience the fragrance of the Netzach Blend. Now look carefully at the Clock and calendar again, and ask, "What time is it, and what is happening?" This Blend can help to bring one in harmony with the true nature of Time.
TIFERET: Visualize that you are in front of your own house. You can see the door and the windows. It is exactly the place where you live. Close your eyes and experience the fragrance of the Tiferet Blend. Open your eyes. Now the house in front of you is the home of your dreams. Describe it, outside and inside. This Blend can help to bring one in touch with their true Heart center.
GEVURAH: Visualize that you are in the midst of a large field, which has just been plowed. The furrows are deep, and the clumps of dirt are fresh and wet. All around the edges surrounding the field you see armed soldiers with spears and swords. They are there to defend the property. In front of you, you see the plow being pulled by two strong oxen. Take a deep breath and smell the Gevurah Blend. Let it go into your Soul. Say aloud in a deep voice, "They will beat their swords into plowshares!" This Blend can help to aid your vision of this transformation.
HESED: Visualize that you are in the desert, right before sunrise. Before you are tall, barren mountains. You begin to see a faint glimmer of light just at dawn. Then gradually, you see the Sun coming up on the horizon. Ask yourself, "What is the connection between the Sun and Love?" Experience the fragrance of the Hesed Blend, and then record the answer. This Blend can help to aid the opening of your Heart to Love and Surrender.
DA'AT: Visualize two trees next to each other, and the branches are touching. One tree is Golden, and its leaves send out yellow rays of light. The other tree is Silver, with shining white leaves like that of the Silver Fir. Take a deep breath and experience the fragrance of the Da'at Blend. Choose one or the other of the trees, or choose to be right in between them. This Blend can help to awaken your Inner Voice.
BINA: Visualize that you are standing in front of a heavy, majestic and ancient Gate. The Gate blocks the way to the answer to a specific problem, which has been haunting you lately. Reflect upon and formulate the problem in exact words and terms. Now that the problem is clear to you, take a deep breath and experience the fragrance of the Bina Blend. Then push gently on the Gate and feel it opening easily. Beyond the Gate, you finally see or hear the solution to the problem. This Blend can help to aid your process of inner Awakening and Realization.
HOCHMA: Visualize a cloudy sky and strong wind. Sudden flashes of lightning light up the sky, illuminating the landscape. Take a deep breath and experience the fragrance of the Hochma Blend. This Blend can awaken new ideas, as the lightning flash of intuition brings you an important Message or Symbol.
KETER: Visualize a hall with many thick white Pillars in front of you. Do not look at the floor or the roof. There are 620 Pillars, totally surrounding you. Now Visualize a thick forest with many tree trunks. After you feel yourself within this forest of Pillars, experience the fragrance of the Keter Blend. This Blend is like one of the Pillars that helps you to lift up Heaven from the Earth.
Special Offer |
Set of 11 Sefirot Blends Oils in 5 ml special Ultra-Violet bottles, |
$195.00 |
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and our large full-color Tree of Life Display! | |||
Set of 11 Sefirot Blends Sprays in 50 ml cobalt blue Spray bottles. |
$275.00 |
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Please note: The Sefirot Sprays are not stock items, they need to be specially made. If you wish to order the Sprays, email us first and please allow extra time. Also your order MUST be shipped by only EMS Express Mail Service due to weight regulations on Registered Airmail packages.
When Individual Sefirot Blends Run Out |
Oil Blends (5ml Vial) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Spray Blends (50ml Spray Bottle) ![]() ![]() ![]() Please note: The Sefirot Sprays are not stock items, they need to be specially made. If you wish to order the Sprays, email us first and please allow extra time. Also your order MUST be shipped by only EMS Express Mail Service due to weight regulations on Registered Airmail packages.